- A 部分:提供關於生產者和農場、所有物的基本信息;
- B 部分:包括農場的歷史、整體願景和每年的管理實踐方式;
- C 部分:關於生產者本年度的活動。
農場審查團隊(Farm review team) | 生產者(Producer) |
同儕審查運用(Implementation of a peer review)
- 農場審查的第一部分應在「實地」進行,參觀生產中的地塊、儲存區和加工/包裝區;
- 農場審查的第二部分應該「圍著桌子」進行:你需要和生產者坐在一起,檢查所有不同的部分是否已經回答,此外,你可以進一步檢查收據、發票和種植登記冊。
同儕審查期間(During the peer review)
農場審查團隊 | 生產者 |
提出問題以確定是否符合標準,提供回饋和改進建議。使用此表記錄觀察到的、報告的和討論的內容,圖片也很有用。完成農場審查總結報告,並將其返回給負責人。 | 與農場審查小組一起走過農場/生產單位/地塊,回答問題並公開分享 |
A1 申請人&農場資訊
A1.1 | 姓名 | |
A1.2 | 農場名稱 | |
A1.3 | 農場位置(GPS 座標) | |
A1.4 | 聯絡資訊:
A2 農場的基本資訊
A2.1 | 目前的 PGS 認證狀態:
當前證書的到期日: |
如:即新申請人或自.... |
A2.2 | 財產的總面積(公頃) | |
A2.3 | 混合生產:
整個財產或僅部分財產將獲得 PGS 的有機認證?待認證的總面積: |
A2.4 | 簡要描述工作計畫: | |
列出目前生產的作物,以及下一季計劃生產的任何其他作物。 | ||
你有雇用員工嗎?如果有,你怎麼他們簽訂的合約內容是什麼? |
B 管理(Management)
B1 History and engagement
B1.1 How long have you owned/managed this property? When did you begin conversion towards ‘organic’ management of this property? Are you already organic certified by a third-party certification body? If yes whom? When was the last time that synthetic fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide were used on the property? What was applied? What sources do you use for information, advice, and education on organics/natural farming practices? What are your long-term goals for the organic management of the property? Do you need clarification of the Organic Standards in any way in regard to your property or management?
Are there any other income generating or hobby activities carried out on the property by yourself or other persons that might influence the management of the farm?
Note for the reviewers: 1) try to get a sense of whether the farmer knows the content of the standard, but without asking it directly.
B2 Soil fertility and cop management
QUESTIONS ANSWER/OBSERVATIONS IN LINE WITH THE STANDADRS AND OR CAHRTER B2.2 Describe the methods you use to develop and maintain soil structure, fertility. List here input that are applied (e.g. manure, plant stimulants, compost. Include source if those inputs are purchased. Note for the reviewers: ask for the bottles of those products and have a detailed look at them (take pictures in case of doubts about acceptability of components and then follow up by asking experts, etc.). Yes/No/Not sure Describe crop rotations practices including fallow periods. Do you plant cover crops? Do you use a cultivation register? Yes/No/Not sure
Does the farmer burn vegetation or crop residues (observe signs like burned spots on the farm)? Yes/No/Not sure Describe any erosion or other soil problems you may have on the property and how you are managing them. Enquire about tillage practice. Yes/No/Not sure Have you had any soil tests conducted and if so, provide particulars? Yes/No/Not sure Together with the farmer dig into the soil in different fields. 1) Does it look and smell healthy? 2)Is it very compacted? 3)Are the re any worms or other signs of invertebrates? Yes/No/Not sure
B3 Water Use
B3.1 Name all sources of water used on the property for irrigation, livestock, washing crops and machinery, food processing and ingredient in processed food. Yes/No/Not sure Have you had any water tests conducted on any of the water sources listed in above, and if so, provide particulars? Yes/No/Not sure What are the methods to preserve water and limit wasting? Yes/No/Not sure
B4 Weeds management
B4.4 What are your biggest weed challenges? Yes/No/Not sure How do you manage weed pressure? Yes/No/Not sure Do you use any inputs for weed control? If yes, which ones? Yes/No/Not sure
B5 Pests and diseases
B5.1 What are your biggest challenges in terms of pests and diseases? Yes/No/Not sure How do you manage pests and diseases? Yes/No/Not sure Do you use any inputs for pests and diseases control? If yes, which ones? Note for the reviewers: ask for the bottles of those products and have a detailed look at them (take pictures in case of doubts about Yes/No/Not sure
acceptability of components and then follow up by asking experts, etc.)
B6 Buffers
B6.1 Are there any sources of possible contamination of your property in the neighbouring areas? Yes/No/Not sure Describe what you have done to reduce possible contamination of your property? (i.e. buffer zones, physical barriers like tree, shrubs etc…) Yes/No/Not sure
B7 Biodiversity Conservation
B7.1 Describe how you are ensuring adequate biodiversity within production areas and on the property generally. Yes/No/Not sure Describe any wild or natural areas on your property, how these are protected and/or enhanced, and how they contribute to the overall biodiversity of your operation. Yes/No/Not sure
B8 Seeds and seedlings
B8.1 Provide details of the seeds and seedlings used. How do you source them? Are you producing them yourself? Are all organic? Ask to see packages and/or receipts. Check if there is any risk of GMO contamination. Yes/No/Not sure
B9 Value chain
B9.1 Storage and Transportation How is the produce stored? Is the storage area clean? Is it stored at the farm or in other location (in this case ask name and address of the storage locations)? How is it transported from the fields to the point of sale? If the storage is at the farm, visit the facilities during the review. Yes/No/Not sure Selling strategy How do you sell your produce: direct selling, street markets, CSA, box schemes, retailers etc… Yes/No/Not sure
Write down name and location of the selling points. Purchase / resale of products. Specify the nature of the products and the contact details of the supplier (s). What % of turnover does the resale represent? Do you communicate the name of the producer of the products sold not coming from the farm? Are these products from certified organic farming? Yes/No/Not sure The quantities sold are coherent with the production or the purchase of raw materials? To check, proceed by selecting one final product (over a year or over a period of a year); then link all the related supplies, processing, volumes of finished products, packaging. Yes/No/Not sure
C The current year
C1.1 List (if any) any changes you have made this year to the information provided in Section A and B of the previous peer review report. Yes/No/Not sure List (if any) any corrective actions you have taken this year to address the improvements requested during the previous round of certification. Yes/No/Not sure